Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Beta Sign Up


  •  Tribute Name:
  • District (1-12):
  • Age (12-18):
  • Gender (M; F):
  • Strengths (3):
  • Weaknesses (3):
  • Weapon of Choice:
  • Accounts you will be using:
  • Backstory: 

*As this is a Beta Game, We will be having only Twelve Tributes for these Games. Depending on how well they go, we may or may not be continuing*



  1. Name: Alto Galloway

    District: 5

    Age: 13

    Gender: Male

    Strengths: Sly, quick, hides well

    Weaknesses: Afraid of bigger guys, swimming, will do anything to be kept alive

    Weapon of Choice: Throwing Knives 

    Description: Small 4"11, black hair, not very muscular, shy

    Backstory: A young kid who always gets bullied. That explains his fear of bigger guys. His dad died in a power plant explosion. His mom doesn't care about him. He is alone. Only one person likes him. His best friend, Hunthor Collinswood. He was his best friend since he was five. He met him when he went out in he woods one day. Hunthor gave him his first throwing knife. Hunthor is 15 now. I hope he doesn't get picked This year in the 1st Hunger Games.

    Accounts: Google- timdish@comcast.net
